Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

I’m tired of winter already.

My dreams are even stranger than I would have believed.

She actually had blood work and was low. Which is funny since she just got back from Florida. But I’m sure it’s a easy go to issue for general malaise.

Brushing up on my programming skills at the moment.

One of the projects I’m tackling is the translation of the valley and eye of the star warrior (both 48k zx spectrum version) and it is going well, barring the occasional hiccup here and there. :slight_smile:

Once that is done, the same process be repeated, but in C/C++

Then higher-level processes (windoze and linux programs)

Baby needs the D.

ARgh, OK, we buy a scratch and dent fridge, it shows up and doesn’t work.

They take it back and after some confusion we go back to get another one. My wife photographs it because the last one got dented as well. It shows up, and it’s dented…

It’s a small dent in the front, and I don’t care. She cares a lot and I call Lowes… the manager offers me another 10% off what we paid, but they do not under any circumstances replace parts on clearance items. We can take the 10% or they’ll just take the fridge back.

My wife is now totally pissed, as I knew she would be when this started. She thinks they should make it right and replace the door. They won’t, so she wants them to take it back and we can go through all this all over again.

Meanwhile she’s also transferred some of her anger to me, because I’m like blah, about it. I don’t care that there is a small dent in my 50% off fridge. And a new door is about $180… so we can just replace the door and we’re still better off.

My wife was thrilled to find a scratch and dent fridge for 50% off a few years back. The excitement came through loud and clear on the phone call I received as they just had wheeled it out on the sales floor with a sale sign on it. It was just a small dent in the door that we covered with a fridge magnet. It has served us very well since that time.

It’s not that it’s a scratch and dent, it’s that there was another dent after it got to the house.one that She wouldn’t have bought it with.

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Geez, yeah… the delivery folks shouldn’t make it worse. Just because it already has a blemish somewhere, they don’t then get a free pass on proper care and handling getting it delivered. Kind of makes you wonder if the delivery folks were the cause of the original damage.
I get where $WoodWife is coming from, too. When I was a kid, my dad bought a fridge with a small ding on a side that would be against cabinets, so the ding would have been hidden. It arrived with a huge crease down the other side, the exposed side. Looked like it was strapped too tight to a dolly without proper padding. Um, no. That fridge didn’t even get plugged in. They were back later with a new, unblemished fridge. I think my dad probably got the delivery fee refunded, in addition to not paying any more than the original scratch/dent price.
As my sister pointed out - I am a picky bastard, but I came by it honest. She also pointed out that she had the “overly critical” gene, too. :wink:

My FIL used to work at Lowe’s and every now and then he’d call us saying “hey, $appliance just got returned, they’re selling it for $100 if you can get down here fast.” Most of the time it wasn’t something we needed but we did score a $600 dryer for $100.

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Sometimes appliance delivery people are just idiots. When we moved into the house, Sears delivered the fridge to the garage and tried to get away after removing the packaging. dakwife had to say to them “how do you expect us to get that into the house, you can’t leave it here” to get them to complete the delivery.

Lowe’s delivered our stove to the kitchen, but aren’t permitted to hook up gas lines. OK, I can accept that, potentially a major liability for them. But at least they left us with enough space to get the gas line connected, instead of pushing it all the way into place.

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I love scratch and dent items. I have a scratch and dent washer, and will replace my dryer that way when it’s time. Same with my dishwasher, where the dent is on the part that is under the counter. We are lucky to have an official Sears scratch and dent store in town here. So we don’t even have to search around at the regular stores…Just head down and pick out what you want!!

We have a couple Sears Outlet locations here, but the last few times I checked using the website, the deals weren’t that good. I am betting that you can get better deals in person, but it’s probably a random ‘right place at the right time’ thing.

Oh, we still bicker down the price. I never take no for an answer. :slight_smile: And I’m not afraid to walk away. That’s the most important part.

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Conan the Salaryman is now my second favorite twitter account. Right behind DPRK News and just ahead of Today in 1945.

“I can’t even”
…finish a sentence, apparently.

"My bad."
Your bad what? “Bad” is an adjective, not a noun or a verb.


When last I used that phrase today it was closest to “My bad mistake for not finding the detailed information on what looked like a routine transaction.” Or, briefly, “My screw up.”


Gonna steal it :smile:

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How can I use my loan information found on my statement to create an account on your new and improved system, if you’ve been requiring me to get e-statements on your online system? That you are no longer granting people access to? To the basement I go…