Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

I won’t pay that much for jeans, much less underwear. Besides, I hate underwear.

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Has the Make a Wish foundation ever hired someone a hooker?

Seriously though, I had a friend who’s 15 year-old was dying of cancer, I can’t imagine that not being on his list somewhere. She was divorced and the dad wasn’t really around, so was there even anyone he could talk to about it at all? He ended up on Ellen and died a couple days after hanging out with the animal guy that’s on her show a lot, over in Ohio.

You can bet your ass I’d be on a flight to Las Vegas with my kid. I’d hate to end up in some sort of Walk to Remember or Fault in our stars situation, best to keep it professional I think. But hopefully that will always be a conjecture on my part, no idea what I’d actually do.

I understand where you’re going with it, but I’m going with “no”. Followed by “they wouldn’t, ever.”

First, age of consent laws. Obviously they can’t get a 15 year old laid because in most of the US, he’s too young. Statutory rape and all that.

Second, Make a Wish probably wants to have a more wholesome image. Even if you do go somewhere that it’s 100% legal (not Vegas - you have to go outside Clark County) there’s such a taboo around sex and completely consensual sex workers in this country that there’d be a massive backlash.

Yeah, the Make a Wish thing was more tongue in cheek after I had the original thought. It is a normal part of an end of life bucket list I would think at that age.

I’ll add to that: transporting a minor across state boundaries for illicit purposes.

Yeah, it’s legal-ish in Vegas. But I’m sure the flailing outrage trolls wouldn’t care about that, and they would be pressuring folks into Doing Something™.

Yeah, the charges would be dropped. Much later and very very quietly.

But all said and done… Yeah, I would be doing that for my kid too.

I suppose to get around the logistical portion you could just go to Europe. Knock out a couple things at once.

It was a literal random thought I had. I was talking to someone about having cancer and saying mine wasn’t all that bad; I wasn’t dying, I feel better than I have for ages, and I wasn’t some 15 year old dying of leukemia. Then I started thinking of all the things you wouldn’t experience, and while sex isn’t the thing that I’d regret missing the most in retrospect, from the other angle it’s likely in the top 2 or 3. From this angle, top ten, but a few things above it kind of have sex as a prerequisite, so I’m biased.

And 15 strikes me as a really bad age to die at. Younger than that and you get a cloudier and cloudier view of what you are missing in life in general. It’s expressed as a single unit of adultness. All the things you would miss are things that you might not even understand as things, does a 9 year old understand the world the way a 17 year old does? (Insert appropriate memory here) While older than that you’ve theoretically experienced a bit of it and can technically get a taste of most of it. You can drive, you have some freedom, you could have had a job and spending money, you are creating your own opinions on things. (Any more tense confusion I can create with that sentence?)

I get what you’re saying / where you’re coming from. I’m fairly certain that it would have been on my 15 year old bucket list, too, if I had ever heard of a bucket list at that point. Ahh, who am I kidding, I know that it would have been vying with driving for top spot.

Why not make it a trifecta? Except with some kind of “hands-free” device/person.

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10 Cloverfield Lane… The blood relative “sequel” to Cloverfield is a basement entrapment mystery thriller?

With what, a giant CGI monster in the last 2 minutes?

Or, it’s a giant troll and the basement thing is the first act, and the rest is something else, or who the f knows what.

My understanding was that it’s not legal in Clark County (due to how NV’s laws work w/ prostitution vs. county population), but as long as you’re not being too obvious about it, the police look the other way.

So it’s like Honolulu. I’ve never been in an American city with so many prostitutes per square foot in my life. Mostly hunting for Japanese businessmen. Interesting people to chat with, every one I talked to was a college student from somewhere in California or Seattle.

Fixed that for you…

So it’s like New York or LA “waiters”.

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Well since we weren’t Johns I usually assumed they were telling the truth at least to an extent. Considering the prices I heard quoted to guys who asked, or one time were offered, it would be pretty easy to pay for college that way.

I always forget how long it takes tomatoes to boil down… I hope this soup is done by tomorrow…

I just use canned, then a whizzer.

I use a slow cooker. But like @Rizak, I tend to use canned.

It’s ok @MSUAlexis, I’m with you on that. Canned tomatoes are for chili.

I’m going to try gleaning from the Red Gold fields again this year. That way I can have fresh canned tomatoes and have the best of both worlds. Have to have our canning game on point though, pull in over 100 pounds of tomatoes that were laying in a field for a couple hours in the sun and you can’t exactly stumble over the process.

I know what you mean. When I make my tomato sauce I start it in the morning and let it simmer all day. The result is worth it, though!

I kind of want to make a batch of the good vodka sauce recipe I’ve made a few times. It’s messy enough it’s kind of “special occasion” cooking, though.

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