I really couldn’t give a toss about the whole PC versus Console gamer debate. The machine I use doesn’t matter, if the game is good it’ll be because it’s a good game, not because I’m playing it at 60Hz or whatever the idiots are jumping on as the “important spec” this week.
In fact what really amazes me is the number of people going on about how their computer is so fantastic, and has four Titans linked together so they can run their three monitor panels in ultra-widescreen format but they’ve bought cheap televisions instead of monitors so now they have three 48" 1080p panels with the colour gamut of a cheap pencil set and pixels so large it looks like a child coloured in graph paper.
I’m not saying that consoles are better - they’re just PCs with specific hardware and software. If anything, consoles are Macs. After all, what is a Mac if not just a specific build PC with efficient software? Same goes for the PS4, it’s a PC with a nice blu-ray drive and the ability to output 1080p video without weeping. The Xbone is… the same. Only 900p. Because reasons, I guess? I don’t know what all the fuss about it needing to be 1080@60Hz when ASTC HDTV is 1080@30Hz (PAL HDTV is 1080@25Hz) so when you’re watching your TV normally it’s not usually receiving anything near 60 fps feed. It’s a stupid requirement! Stupid!
…sorry, a console versus PC rant happened. I’m better now though.
It’s funny, I have dual monitors, and not a single game I own takes advantage of it. In fact, it’s a distraction sometimes when I have an article half open on the second monitor and I end up reading it while a game is loading, so I click on it to move the text, and the game closes to background.
No, Word Art is still alive. It is now on the Insert or Design “tab”, I believe. They just came up with new names for it. “Smart Art” and "Smart shapes, I think.
Why is this even printed on the box of this lap desk thingy? The only interaction it has with the computer is that it holds the computer up off your lap. The only way it couldn’t be compatible with any kind of laptop, be they a PC, Mac, or even GLaDOS is if the laptop was also incompatible with gravity.
You may not realize it, but everyone in this family is loud as hell. And it may not be readily visible, but it gets to me to the point of making me almost non-functional.
Not immediately, but it builds. The TV is always up too loud. The conversation starts at a high volume and just gets louder because people don’t listen (so we’ll talk louder to make our point) or because there’s 3 conversations going on at once while the TV is up too loud.
And the noise just builds and builds in my head. It’s like walking around all day with a tiny stone or imperfection inside your shoe. You may not even notice it all the time. But it wears, and wears, builds, and builds and by the end of the day, it’s caused so much damage it’s essentially crippled you and all you can do is go find a quiet corner and try to recover.
Football, of course. But at my folks’ house, the mandatory football TV was on in the game room upstairs, so normal conversations could be had downstairs in the social areas. It was a good day. Much turkey and napping!
Oh, no Football I get, and I can even watch it without hearing it. It’s when it’s the Riflman or Rooster Cogburn or something that I get all messed up.
…sorry for all-caps, but I was ready to tar and feather the old gent in front of me today. In his defence, electric lamps were somewhat of a novelty when he learned to drive, but still a green arrow in your favour always overrides a red light!
It’s so wonderful to see that over the past 3 years, you’ve really gotten a handle on your subcontractors and they’re doing a great job communicating with your customers.
(On behalf of Missy) Take your xerascaping and shove it up your ass. (goat’s-head thorns. Need I say more?)
Yeah, of course the bet doesn’t count. It would only count if I was as stupid as you are and you were twice the ass as you are right now.
Yell at my dog one more time and we’ll be holding a seance to contact what few shreds of human dignity you have left.
Stop parading your dog back and forth. If he has to go to the bathroom that much, see a vet about his diabetes. We get that you are special and didn’t have to prove that he is a service dog. No, you can’t train my dog. You can not train a dog out of a very real fear.
For this I just spent three hours in your cattle-car waiting area?
I’m pretty sure the US Government doesn’t want to get sued for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. So shut you mouth, do your job, and let me get out of here.,
The road is clear and it’s 6:30am in the morning. Why in the world would you take a turn so stupidly slow? Maybe next time just take a walk instead of using your car.