Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

A Rizak sighting?

Welcome back, dude.

Iā€™m a lot more stubborn than you are. I also know what game you are playing, and I know what the rules are.

You can grow up and act like an adult for a change, or I can teach you that hell is having your games played back at you. And Iā€™m better at it than you are.

Seriously, Ireland, decide. Either use entirely European roadsigns and markings, or entirely American roadsigns and markings, because this higgledy-piggledy mix of diamond-shaped signs and white centre-lines is just damn confusing!

I even found an all-way stop in a country that has freely embraced the roundabout. The rules of an all-way stop in Ireland are identical to the rules of a roundabout. Why do they have both!? :frowning:

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Not enough room for a big passed circle?

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Mini roundabouts tend to take up the same amount of space as a T or X-road. They just paint a big dot and three arrows on the road surface:

The centre island is painted on to allow larger vehicles to simply drive over it rather than attempt to drive round it, which would be impossible in most cases.

@so how do multiple cars fit in that, or is it run just like a four way?

Yeah, it is effectively an all-way stop. You yield to the vehicle approaching from the right, which includes a vehicle approaching from ahead indicating to turn right (your left).

Itā€™s funny that you drive on the other side of the road, but still yield right.


Thereā€™s nothing like starting off the New Year with a call from some drunk woman claiming to be ā€œyou baby mamaā€.

Try using some possessive pronouns and nouns, twit. I promise you, itā€™s not too kinky. And get addicted to Antabuse.

It is not snowing right now and tomorrow wonā€™t be the first day after the holidays that is also the first of the annual ā€œoh my god it snowed and the worldā€™s coming to an endā€ freak-outs that make driving in the Seattle area even more miserable than it already is.

ā€œItā€™s 30 below and this bus is packed. What in the name of Odinā€™s Hairy Nipples would make you think it a good idea to start strumming a ukulele?ā€


Maybe heā€™s trying to pretend heā€™s in Hawaii where itā€™s much warmer?


Or on some really good drugs.

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Oh, yes, gods forbid that you actually think of the consequences ahead of time.

And no, we canā€™t ā€œdo this another time.ā€ Because I see no reason to expect you to grow up any time before Iā€™m old enough to retire.

You practically force everyone to subscribe to your proprietary e-reader, and then suddenly drop all support for it? And you go through your knowledge base and remove the download link from the relevant articles?

And now you whine about people being frustrated and angry with your company.

I hope you drown in your tears.

I fell asleep at 10 PM, or I got home from Chemo and went straight to bedā€¦

itā€™s 1:18 now, Iā€™m drinking a fortified eggnog, and Iā€™m going to play Saints Row the Third until itā€™s time to get up, or I get tired.

Hah, here they make mini-islands. Iā€™ll try to get a picture if I remember.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Things you wish the other driver could hear, v3.0

Uh, no. How about you buy your own pair of shoes and pants with your own money. Youā€™re already killing our electricity bill and I know for a fact all of the money you make isnā€™t going towards keeping this house. Wife and I and your wife are paying for everything here, not you, so you can shove your demands up your rear end.

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And his wife isnā€™t considering divorce?

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