Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

Wish we could have some of that rain.

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Please take a bit.

Of course, thatā€™s an issue when you live in a traditionally arid area. Iā€™m waiting for all the old people in Arizona to realize they moved to a desert.

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One decided advantage to living in a hilly burgā€¦ buy a house on the top of the hill and never have flooding.

I can leave my front door, walk to the sidewalk, proceed about three car lengths north, and look down a long hill with a creek at the bottom.

MY house ainā€™t gonna flood.


Yeah but going out for a run (or bike ride) sucks because you always have to climb that hill at the end.

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Iā€™m sorry about what I said earlier when you were a cunt.

HA! Ha ha ha! HA haha ha HAHAHAHA!

Youā€™ve never seen the devastation caused by a water mains blowing at 800metres elevation because the pumping station at the bottom of the hill has gone crazy. Such an explosion is the reason why I started senior school in a large, brick-built building on the top of a hill and ended senior school in a portacabin in the previous buildingā€™s games field as it was being rebuilt.

Well, thereā€™s a wee bit of difference between rainfall and a water main going blooie.

Not sure Iā€™d base my house buying decision based on past experience of that happening.


Rule of Tinkering With Things states that mending a pipe by adding a new section of pipe has just added two points of failure.

Okay, you show stats for the quarter

  • field goal attempts
  • field goals successful
  • 2 pts attempted
  • 2 pts sccessful
    and about 20 other stats

How about showing how many points have been scored in the quarter?

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We have power.

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And that I am asleep, and my kids didnā€™t feel the need to stay awake until the power came back at 1amā€¦ :angry:

This is why Iā€™m glad the only kid I have has four paws and says ā€œmeowā€.


I hate power outages, a majority of household alarms around here are set to ā€œscream on power lossā€ and have 18V backup batteries with a rough 12 hours of screamability. Iā€™m glad you managed to get some sleep last night @MSUAlexis!

On another note, is Watt-Hour expressed as Wh or wHR? Because Iā€™ve just seen both in the same Ars article (about the new Dell Linux laptop) and Iā€™m confusedā€¦

ā€œlet alone the reigning MVPā€? Are you seriously suggesting he should get special treatment just because heā€™s the current MVP? Thatā€™s certainly what it sounds like.
And no, he shouldnā€™t. If he fouls then he should get called on it. If he spits the dummy and throws his mouth-guard at a fan then he certainly should get ejected from the game.
As for his wife, I think she should be banned from attending the next game. Suggesting that the game was thrown for ratings purposes is absolutely outrageous, and if a player made that suggestion they would be in serious hot water.

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He grew up in the league while his daddy was playing. He knows the rules. He just canā€™t believe they could be beaten. The Cavs have beaten them more this year than any other team in the league.

And I saw the best meme this morning that sums it up. If GS comes back from a 3-1 deficit itā€™s amazing, but when the Cavs do it itā€™s rigged. Please.

Wives should be bound and gagged when it comes to social media. She is not the first wife to say something absolutely ridiculous. I remember a couple wives who said things that just made me thing ā€œHis wife is going to get him in so much trouble with the leagueā€. And I really wish I could remember what it was that was saidā€¦it was a doozy. I knkw these women are invested in these games, but that is not how a professional reacts.

Yep, and if LBJ complains that he isnā€™t getting the foul calls heā€™s a crybaby, but Curry spitting the dummy is justified because the refs were wrong :rolling_eyes:

Ever since Steven Adams joined OKC Iā€™ve supported them - yeah, probably pretty shallow supporting them just because theyā€™ve got a kiwi, but I can live with that.
This means that I donā€™t really have anything invested in either team here, but Iā€™ve got to say Iā€™d prefer Cleveland to win, just because of the disparity in treatment.

I hate it when the power goes out, too.

Thereā€™s always a brief interval of dead silence, then a loud roar in the backyard followed by a ā€œbang!ā€ from the basement.

Then I console myself, knowing I have full heat/ AC/ 'fridge/ computer/ some lights/ microwave.

Go home generator!

We donā€™t have an actual backup generator, but I ā€¦ borrowed my dadā€™s petrol genny years back and heā€™s not asked for it since. It outputs enough power for the fridge-freezer plus a light plus one of the laptops. Or the kettle. You have to unplug everything else for the kettleā€¦

It mainly gets used to power things like the hammer drill when Iā€™m doing outside things, or inside things close to electrical lines.

You know how to copy files from one place to another.
Just because the files are coming from a camera rather than a hard disk doesnā€™t make the process any different, just the location.

On a slightly different note, today must be the day for idiots.
First thereā€™s the one straddling two lanes at an intersection. The left lane is left turn only, the right lane is straight ahead or turn right. No indicator going, which would normally mean going straight ahead - so of course he turned left.
Then thereā€™s the idiot walking down the ramp in front of me who suddenly stopped, turned, and pressed his face against the chain link fence. I was right behind him and nearly bumped into him. After that I made sure I gave him a wide birth - which was just as well because he did it again 3 paces later, and again 3 paces after that.