Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

Idiots striking here because of poor service delivery

Next time don’t vote for the same political party again, you bunch of morons.

And pay your rates and taxes as I do… or STFU and FOAD.

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Ugh, so much this. The Tory government here is doing it’s best to entirely ruin the country.

They wanted to build a new nuclear power station. The French offered to build it. The Tories suddenly piped up “oh, but we don’t want a modern one, we want one of the old fashioned ones with the domes!” so that project has escalated from £4.5mn to £136mn. They want to build a high speed railway between London and the Midlands (what London calls the North, but is actually 250 miles south of the North, naturally) which was originally going to cost somewhere in the region of £17bn to complete. Work hasn’t even started yet and they’re £130bn over budget.

Oh and don’t get me started on this convoluted, shady, quasi-legal deal going on with America for the renewal of our “nuclear deterrent”. Seventy two billion pounds on missiles that we deliberately don’t ever want to use. There are no words for the amount of stupid there. The whole NHS could be saved and every aspect renationalised for less than a third of that. We could wipe out African Debt. We could actually re-pave our fucking motorways for the first time in a decade! Ugh.

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Sounds familiar here.

Are all the current guavamints under instructions to get their respective countries into crippling debt by any way possible? Disgusting.

Sounds like it.

The country voted for the Tories in 2010 because they had an actual economic policy. Then they tore that up and decided that the best way to save money was to close schools and hospitals. Since they took office the national debt has gone from being a small number of billions to a large number of trillions because yes, closing schools and hospitals does save money, but then they’re spending it on nuclear reactors so old that they’re having to rebuild the original manufacturing plants, real-life railway sets that aren’t even going to attempt to hide the fact they’re draining businesses from the Midlands to London.

There was an economics article somewhere (I’ll post it when I find it again) that simply worked out that if you were to build a wall around the City of London and declare it a sovereign nation, the remainder of the UK would be in a worse financial state than many of the countries in the Soviet Bloc before the Iron Curtain fell.

^ the sheer idiocy of that just boggles the mind…

…we have Malema and Zuma here, those two’ll most probably do the same for our country…

If I ever win the Euromillions and buy a small island and declare sovereignty, you’re welcome to come and escape.

We’ll need a National Networking Czar :wink:

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Isn’t that part of Agenda 21 or whatever people keep going on about? Social and technological changes are pushing for more and more spreading of people into more diffuse pools of population, while governmental and control theories require ever tighter packed masses that are easier to control.

Indianapolis keeps pushing for light rail, and more buses, when more and more people are working from home or remotely somewhere and don’t go downtown anymore. Light rail that the Federal government will help pay to build, but won’t help to keep up. Aaaannnnd they are looking at street cars. WTF? There is a reason they aren’t in use in 90% of the places that used to have them, they suck.

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You guys still have trams? Heck the only reason Manchester still has them is so that they can periodically crash in Coronation Street to create convenient plot devices. Oh, and Blackpool still has them because History. :rolling_eyes:

Here in the UK the whole “work from home” thing hasn’t really been embraced by anything other than the tech industry and even then they’re still iffy about it. But our government is currently in the middle of withdrawing all public subsidisation for busses so… yeah. If I drive my car into Newcastle and back I use about £3 worth of petrol. A return bus ticket is £12.50. Even with on-street parking at £1/hr it’s cheaper to drive.

We don’t have them here, but they are pushing to redesign the bus lines to work like trams, and to bring back actual trams in some areas.

WTF difference does it make? And I think that’s something that should be as modern as possible in order to avoid another Chernobyl or Fukushima, or even another Three Mile Island.

Probably the same thing is going on that happens here in the USA though. Someone in government has a buddy that they want to give a fat contract to and damn the taxpayers.

Hah, except here lately it’s someone has a buddy in Greenpeace that knows someone in the EPA that can get their kid a job in DC if they torpedo the nuke plant. Oh, and here’s an endowment from the Sierra Club.

Even including the disasters nuclear energy is cleaner than any other form right now.

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Superficially, maybe. When you start to add up the cost in lives and the extra transport costs when people have to travel an extra half an hour (or even an extra 10 minutes) then the superficial cost savings start to look a bit thin.
Of course superficial and short term is all the government really needs.

Ordinarily I would agree with you, but our current government is already disassembling the patient transport service and killing off subsidies for free school travel (indeed, my home county of Northumberland was forced two years back to make a decision; free school busses or free ambulances - of course they chose ambulances). The Tories don’t actually care about anyone apart from rich people, and rich people don’t mind paying for ambulances and school busses. They get away with this because poor people don’t vote because they think they can’t change anything - which then appears true because come next election there’s still some swine in office who’s decided that you know what? Old people don’t need heating. Lets kill off the state welfare winter heating fund.

The age expectancy in Scotland dropped two years last winter as a direct result. I wish I was making that up.

Yeah, I was just talking about the cost in general - not specifically what the government pays. Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to realise that society as a whole pays these costs. If school buses get phased out then individual transport costs rise, and so do greenhouse emissions. With the notable exception of bureaucracy, it is almost always cheaper overall if there is some sort of group or centralised way of doing this stuff.

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My house and yard are self-cleaning…


No, I don’t have to say “Hi” or even tell them where I’m going if I’m leaving the house. It’s my house, this is the third time they’ve been here, they’re not visiting for me or even you, the food they generously brought with them was generous only to your sis-in-law and parents, and they never inform us when they’re showing up so it’s always a surprise.

Maybe when they don’t consider us as invisible, I’ll acknowledge them. Until then, I’ll pretend they don’t exist either.

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I won the $390M Mega Millions jackpot last night.

My check for $10k in hush money is in the mail from @Force10.

Or am I the only one that plans on buying people off from the start so they don’t ask me for money?

I have a few people on that list. Mostly family members.

If I win, my sibs are getting trust funds. “Here’s $X per year, to be spent on vacation.

Live the rest of your life on a budget, take my money and go wild!