Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

Sounds like those screws need some TLC.

They’re getting hotglue if they don’t stop it!

I always lose the rubber feet on all my laptops. And my mouses.

My current high speed mouse has a rubber pad for the thumb rest and one on the other side. After a day of heavy gaming they are both slipping off.

Sounds like you need some hotglue too.

I’m coming round to realising that hotglue is the antidote to anything that won’t stick with duct tape…

Why are you sending me a reminder notice for buying tickets today? You’re telling me that the cutoff date is Tuesday the 20th of August so your final reminder is 20 days early.
Oh, and by the way, the 20th of August is a Saturday so I’m really confused how the cutoff date can be Tuesday the 20th.

The 20th of September is a Tuesday. But still, that’s one weird kind of screw up.

It’s just bad programming. Someone has either hard coded “Tuesday” or mixed up several different dates when printing the single date.
Working with dates is not exactly rocket science. It takes a special sort of talent to make so many mistakes with so little to work with.

It’s still a Tuesday though.

So your wife just gave birth for the first time a week ago, which wasn’t easy for her, and you thought it was a good idea to often tell her she’s breastfeeding your son incorrectly in a very accusatory tone. Your son, who recently received a tiny bit of surgery under his tongue so it’s probably hurting like hell whenever he tries to latch on.

It never occurred to you to, oh I don’t know, be more supportive and less like a jerk to your wife during those stressful days? And sorry, insisting he has to be breastfed and avoiding the bottle at all times doesn’t work when he’s starving and can’t latch on yet, especially when he will be drinking breast milk anyway if the bottle was used. Being an absolute moron isn’t doing good things for your family so far, man.

And as a final insult to your high horse, the In-Laws tried the bottle and it worked perfectly fine so yeah, you’re an idiot.


I wish I could say I was watching the live stream of the Pocono race, but apparently Charter and NBSSports aren’t talking properly. I has sadz.

Wow. This irritates me more than you can imagine. As a mother whose first-born had that surgery on her tongue so she could nurse, then had latching problems, and ultimately realized the “the girls” just don’t work regardless of how many times I try (tried with all three kids, none could get adequate production), I would be estatic if someone DID actually say that to a father who was being a supreme asshat. As if there aren’t enough hormones causing problems, then having feeding problems which probably make her feel like a failing mother (did me!), the dad being like this would probably push me over the edge…


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I was all in favor of breast feeding, but when things weren’t working out well after a few weeks I held my tongue. There was absolutely nothing I could say that would make it better, and all kinds of shit I could say to make it worse.


Yeah, resisting the urge to try to fix is sometimes very difficult. I don’t have kids of my own, so I can only imagine what a difficult situation that would be - hormones, emotions, stress…

Yeah, I was shocked when I heard about it from my wife (mom in question is her sister). I understand it’s their first child, but it doesn’t take a genius to know that you don’t make a mother feel like crap within a month of giving birth, much less a week. I’m almost sure now that the husband was running on pure emotion and zero brain power during that week, which is not exactly a good thing regardless of the situation.

Now I wonder. 500 years ago did those kids just die? Or since there was no other choice did the mother keep cranking at it until it worked?

Wet nurses.

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That works for a mother issue, but if the baby won’t latch… though then I guess in a really primitive environment you just keep handing the baby around until they find someone that works or they die.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  • Freshwater is not the same as fresh water
  • Everyday is not the same as every day

There’s a reason why these and many other things have two versions. It’s because they mean two different things.
Mammoths did not die out because of a lack of freshwater. Freshwater what? Freshwater fish? Freshwater plants?
They may have died out because of a lack of fresh water however.


This guy sounds like an arsehat.

When my son was born he had trouble latching as well. No medical reason, just couldn’t do it properly - and it meant he was screaming all the time because he was hungry. The nurses pushed and pushed my wife to keep trying, but after a week she was the most depressed I’d ever seen her. When she said she was going to put him onto a bottle and formula, I agreed. I mean, who was I to argue?

$wife’s narcissistic mother made a huge fuss when I asked her on the 3rd day not to come in to the hospital (for the 3rd night in a row), as $wife was extremely tired and stressed. She even instigated a screaming match right there in $wife’s hospital room when she was in there the day after. I was completely gobsmacked that a mother would do that to her daughter.

@Blurr, I hope your sister-in-law is feeling better about herself, and that $dickhead has curbed his attitude.

Some people have the ability to make anything about them as a super power.

For me it’s just a talent thankfully.

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