If a certain Mr V. Putin dislikes that user data (from mobile handsets etc) is stored on American soil (Apple, LinkedIn etc) then he can jolly well start their own Apple/LinkedIn/whatever thingy up in order to keep Russian data on Russian soil.
Heard the Gulag is nice and cool, perfect place for a data center…
If the guys at Microsoft could’ve added a function to windowsupdates that you can stop it during the middle of “installing update 45 of 199” then the world could’ve been a better place.
But nooooo… I have to wait for that **** to finish doing updates before I can proceed with my work…
When we invited you months ago to come over for Christmas dinner you’d said yes, now you’re saying that you won’t make it because you “can’t face the trip in the bad weather”. Why don’t you just come out and admit you don’t want to visit us, ever? It’s not like he’s your grandchild or anything - oh, hang on. His other grandparents (who’re older, in generally poorer health, and live further away) make an effort to come and see him pretty much every week - you’ve visited less than once a year on average, and it’s been nearly 2 years since your last visit. Yet, yet you only live 30 miles away.
All this because when he was 4 he identified as possibly having Asperger’s, at which your visits dropped off massively. I’m pretty sure it hasn’t occurred to you that my behaviours at that age would likely have also had me diagnosed similarly. You’ve certainly seen him often enough, when we’ve visited, to know that there’s nothing about him that says “Asperger’s” these days (not even “nerd”, though certainly “geek”).
You’re my parents, so I won’t actually use the words that are going through my head, but I’m pretty sure the sudden drop in temperature at that point in the conversation made my feelings pretty clear.
Both my kids are Asperger’s - though these days they call it ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). We are pretty sure my wife is as well.
Guess what? They are still the same people they were before they got that diagnosis, and I still love them all.
A diagnosis of Asperger’s (or ASD) doesn’t change who they are, it just gives them a few clues about why they behave as they do and some hints as to ways they can make their lives easier.
That’s all.
For grandparents to stop seeing a grandchild because of a possible diagnosis is something I find incomprehensible, and if they are behaving like that I could completely understand you just cutting them off completely.
Yeah, well, it’s just the latest confirmation of how far up her backside my mother has embedded her head, on many topics. We’re not exactly surprised by the “sudden” change of heart. At this point where we’re no longer going to go out of our way to accommodate them.
No, my husband doesn’t make financial decisions for me, seeing as I’m a grown adult with a job.
Oh wait. I actually DID say this to the guy I’m trying to buy some property from, in response to his query as to whether my husband knows I’m thinking about spending all this money.
No. I’m just picking apart his purchase contract so bad his lawyer’s head is going to explode. They took out all our contingencies, placed most liabilities on us, and basically slanted it so far their way it’s like they are doing us a favor by allowing us to buy the property.
He stood there today saying “well, I just need you to sign this so we can get rolling. As soon as you sign it we can move forward.” Just totally trying to push us around, insinuating he has a cash buyer available, etc. Then he almost pooped his pants when I said that I wouldn’t be signing anything until our legal team had time to review it. I don’t think he fully comprehended we have a legal team, since it’s just the two of us. But I have two neighbors and a close friend that are lawyers, a friend that’s a realtor, and another friend that owns a title agency. Just try me.
I’m used to this type of treatment. They are “mansplaining” or “womaning” me. I look young, I’m short, blonde, and female. Men automatically assume I’m incompetent. Auto mechanics, handymen, businessmen… All of them assume I don’t know what I’m doing. Luckily I have no trouble relieving them of that little problem…
Excel recovers file (excel97 format) = most of the information is missing
OpenOffice recovers same file = all the information is intact, background color is missing.
Instead of getting better and happening to fewer women, this is happening to more men. All I have to do is show the most basic competency in something and their entire attitude changes. Fewer people understand what it is their mechanic/financial advisor/carpenter does…I think it’s harder for women to break them out of that mold, where if I drop a couple buzz words, or mention replacing the water heater, or a starter motor I’m a junior explorer member of the club. Where I’ve seen people move a woman from the sucker to bitch category for the same type of comments.
Not everyone not all the time, but I’m sure it’s annoying as shit.
I know when I was a stay at home dad I dealt with a different version of it from the stay at home moms, and I never did break through into that club. Me and a couple other moms made our own club.
Look, I get that it’s a “community” Turkey Trot, closer to a fun run than anything else, not officially timed, and cheap to enter, but if you advertise it as a 5K, people might be upset when their GPSs come up between 0.1 and 0.25 mile short.
Really? Here that’s called public intoxication or drunk and disorderly, depending on what you’re doing. And if you are visibly intoxicated, in most places you can be arrested. Though I can’t imagine a cop arresting someone for walking drunk and not driving drunk… But you only have to appear drunk, and you must be in public. And the police cannot ask you to leave a private place (like a bar) and then arrest you for being drunk in public. That’s entrapment. They have to wait for you to leave on your own.