Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

If they had one or two plants, I wouldn’t care. They have more like 80 or more, though. Medical my @$$. Those parties they have until 3 or 4 in the morning on weeknights sure aren’t Hospice parties. I’m all for legalized medical marijuana as long as they regulate it. Aspirin is better regulated than marijuana!

I forgot CA was a “medical” marijuana state. What a cluster.

Indiana regulates Dayquil more than you guys do Mary Jane. You have to show an ID and then sign a form, which then gets uploaded into a database which tracks how much you have bought in the last 72 hours or something. Before Obama broke FSA accounts I got busted a couple times trying to stock up at the end of the year on cough medicine and Quils. Not that I had to prove I wasn’t running a meth lab, but I couldn’t buy any more pseudoephedrine either.

We have that here too. I remember being shocked last year when I went to by some allergy medication and had to fill out all the paperwork for it. 0_0

The laws about medical marijuana are so poorly written they’re a joke. I believe the wording for how many plants someone can have is “as many as they need”. Then, they can “pool” licenses, so one property can be growing for several families. That’s how the neighbour gets away with a back yard filled with plants and the local police can’t do anything about it. They want to, though.

You dismissed my concerns the first time as being paranoid and silly. And then I was proven right.

You dismissed my frustration the second time, telling me to go grovel to the people who deliberately fncked my life up.

You didn’t listen the third time.

Now I’m not listening.

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Yeah, I’m right there with you.

This weekend seems to have been a warm-up for Burning Man: lots of kids with too much of their parents’ money, running around in ridiculous outfits, getting drunk an stoned as possible, and practically screaming all night long.

The idiot above me keeps dropping things on the floor, all night long. I swear, he’s dropping bocce balls, because it’s “bang!” and then somethign rumbles across the floor.

The five people in the rooms around me still can’t figure out who they are more mad at, it’s been constant screaming, yelling, and slamming doors since Wednesday.

I don’t think I’ve gotten more than three hours of sleep at a time since Friday morning, when one of the resident’s non-resident boyfriend set off the fire alarm at two in the morning when he decided to fry air and leave the pan unattended for at least half an hour (which set off about four hours of anxiety attacks for me). I haven’t been able to use the kitchen since Saturday morning because of the constant influx of pissy people who think they own the kitchen.

Let’s face it, most people are incapable of showing the least iota of courtesy, respect, or compassion. Anything that pulls their attention or self-absorption the least bit off them is, by definition, an attack which must be met with the maximum amount of passive-aggressive behavior possible on this plane of existence.

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Man, I swear you and I live on different planets. Most people I know are good people who go out of their way to help each other. We stop for strangers to help them, we chase after people who drop money or valuable items, and check on each other in hard times. There are assholes, work seems to like to hire a lot of them, but even there the assholeness is petty and not personal.

New Olympic sport, dry linoleum curling. Wait till his partners show up and start shouting and stomping on the floor to get it to roll or stop.

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My neighbours on one side suck. The other side are great. There are a lot of jerks out there, but there are decent ones too. I try to focus on the decent ones, but the jerks sure stand out more, don’t they?

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I suppose that’s one problem with a more permissive society. If everyone is allowed to be who they want to be you end up with more assholes. A price I’m willing to pay since the alternative is such a suck hole. OTOH, beating the crap out of the odd asshole here and there could help some. But as soon as that happens people expand the definition of asshole.

On the gripping hand, I did read an article recently that pointed to the lack of fisticuffs among men leading to a society filled with more anger. Instead of beating on each other for a couple minutes they snark at each other for hours and days.The “traditional” get in a fight and be friends is replaced with a form of cold war that eventually explodes into violence much worse than the fight society prevented, which might not even involve the same people. Not sure I buy it, but it fits some things I’ve seen. Just like in a relationship I’d rather have that big blow up fight than a bunch of little piddly shit for days.

I don’t think we need to go to the level of “beating the crap out of” people, but there isn’t enough of the right shaming going on in society today (I’m channeling Adam Carolla here).

IOW, it’s no longer permissible to call people out on their bullshit. And that really grinds my gears.

For example, if I were to say “WTF is wrong with you?” to the woman my office who is smoking while pregnant, has said that she knows she shouldn’t, but has decided not to quit anyway, I would be the asshole. We need to turn that trend around.

Example 2: I got shot a nasty glare from dakwife when I told my mother in law “no, she already said she doesn’t need a jacket” (referring to dakwife) last week when my MIL asked dakwife three times in the span of 90 seconds if she was cold and wanted a jacket, to which dakwife responded in the negative twice before I had my little outburst. But now I’m the a-hole.


Totally behind you on issue 2. Issue 1 is shakier and where the slippery slope is.

Being worried about your friend’s weight and “Fat Shaming”; as of right now there is no difference, or at least people would like you to think so. Same with Slut Shaming and whatever the hell other kind of shaming I’m not supposed to be doing this week. Dude, if you tell me I’m heavy and you are worried about my health, I’ll say thanks, I know. If you do it every time you see me (Thanks Mom!) then I’ll get shitty with you about it, but you aren’t shaming me and it’s not your fault I feel bad when you worry about me.

I have one I think we can agree with.

Dude in a bar is getting drunk and nasty with the waitress.Do the other patrons in the bar have a civic duty to do something?

Edit: Concern trolling has taken over actual public concern.

Around here, they would call it manning up not civic duty. :wink:

A lot of the time, I don’t mind stepping up and being the a-hole. These are the issues I see in the previous few examples. (I have no issue/problem with @dakboy or @Woodman, but with the situations. Also, I’m fixing to make up werdz.) The shamer isn’t a big villain, they’re just pointing out the dumbassery of the shamee and the fact that the shamee should, in fact, be ashamed of themselves. As y’all have pointed out, the current trend is to say everything, and everyone, is A-OK, but that’s a fallacy. Everything isn’t ok. That doesn’t mean it is always ok to point it out, or that one shouldn’t be wary of going overboard, as Woodman said… I know I’m not perfect, but if something is mentioned every time you see me, I’m eventually tell you to back the eff off. Plus, it can be counterproductive. If I’m trying to change a bad behavior and someone keeps pointing it out, I’m not going to feel like I’m making progress and might give up.
(Related thought: Everyone doesn’t have the right to not get offended. Freedom of _____ is not freedom from _____. A lot of people interpret that wrong, especially with speech (politics) and religion. (just had to get that out of my head or it would keep interrupting other thoughts))

In Example 2, I feel your pain, dak. Again, I’d have to step into the a-hole role there. Where I have to remind myself to tread lightly is where my gf’s kids are concerned. I still point out incorrect assumptions/conclusions, but have to find more creative ways to demonstrate the reasoning.

Manning up is sexist. And that’s part of

Current societal norms are well past the point where the shamer is the asshole. And that’s a problem. Unless of course the shamer is shaming someone for the flavor of the month issue. Shaming someone for shaming someone appears to be pretty hot most of the time, shaming someone for what someone else perceives as bias, or "privilege"is always awesome.

The people who post the images of fat people and talk about how beautiful they are. Give me a break, while I don’t buy into “Model Beauty” those people are fucking fat, and not attractive because of it. No amount of white knightery is going to fix that. Now, I like women with some extra on them, and I have a ton extra on me, but a picture of a couple of people that tip the scales at 1000 pounds together is not “beautiful”. Their relationship may be beautiful, they may be beautiful people, and have awesome souls and personalities, and the picture itself may be beautiful in an artistic sense, but they aren’t beautiful by any normal standard. And they are likely both killing themselves with their lifestyles.

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The manning up comment was part joking, part really how it is in Texas. It isn’t really civic duty, but could fall between moral duty and vigilante, depending on how it is approached. I’ve seen it go both ways.

As to the rest… exactly, pretty much, yep, have to agree.

I agree with you that it’s manning up. I was being sarcastic because there are people out there that would freak out at the thought that it was their duty to intervene, and be offended that you or I think they should because they are a man.


No, this is not a question of “the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.”

This is more in the vicinity of “the left hand flies to a country with no extradition while the right hand drops acid.”

I am not questioning your work ethic. I can’t interrogate figments of your imagination.


I know exactly why every joint and most muscles in my body hurt, and I have a way to make them stop. :frowning:

Facebook update from someone I don’t know but appeared through a friend:

Ah now u r a nana good stuff. I’m not yet thank goodness. I don’t even have a cat any m4.

What the h@#l are you smoking? Are you actually illiterate or just extremely lazy? What does that last abomination actually mean? Are you trying to say more? How on earth do you get that from m4? Is that even any quicker to write given that you need to swap between keyboard and number pad? (I’m assuming you are on a phone. If you are on a PC then you need to have your PC licence removed). Are you aware that even kids these days are scorning “txt speak” because it’s so hard to read?

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A couple of guys got heated yesterday while waiting for the train when an older couple cut in line. The couple didn’t know how the line formed (forms on the sides rather than right down the middle) and yet these two guys just wouldn’t let it go even after said couple already told them everyone can go before them. There wasn’t any profanity involved, but the guys were treating the couple like they were mentally handicapped. This was in SF, at the Embarcadero BART station.

Listen, I know you guys want to go home or wherever it is you want to go, but there was no need to treat them like that. It’s just plain sad.

Yeah people suck and are generally assholes.