Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

@Blurr - You’re in SF? Are you visiting? If not, for some reason I thought you lived across the Atlantic.

@Blurr, the line forms wherever and however anybody wanting to get on the train wants it to. There is no “right way”. Only his way, and her way, and their way, and our way…

The two guys in question would have found some other excuse to bitch. I just hope the older couple were able to cope with it without feeling bad about it all weekend.

BTW, several people on here insist that SF isn’t that bad, you’ll be hearing from them shortly.

@Nabiki, yep, I work in SF, but live in San Leandro. Pretty funny that you thought I lived across the ocean, haha.

@ClockWorkXon, you’re right, they seemed like the type who will be uppity no matter what. It’s usually followed at this station that the line forms from the sides and it works most of the time even when it’s super crowded. The older couple seemed understanding since they weren’t insisting their way at all so I don’t know why they couldn’t be informed nicely that the line goes a particular way.

I’m not at all implying that SF is a bad place too. I like SF a lot and it’s usually just a few idiots that ruin things, either by forcefully cutting through lines, shoving their way past a crowded downward escalator, or not stopping for you when walking through a cross-walk.

She’s not the only one who thought that :smile:

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We should do an SF Bay Area CoGer meet. GnatdBug is in the area too. :slight_smile:

East Coast, foreign country same thing.

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Sounds like a good idea. I’m at 101 California and there are plenty of good places to meet up around here.

I think the confusion comes from an old member from the UK who also had a Dogbert avatar.

I think you’re right.

Fixed that for you…

See what I mean?

You sent it through DHL???

Why not just save the time and money and tie it to the leg of a pigeon with vertigo?

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A couple months ago, I actually saw a SFPD “officer” pull over someone who ran a red light. In the Mission, yet.

I told a few people about it, and they all agreed that either I was hallucinating or it was a miracle.

afaik, you are all weird people/bash scripts somewhere over the ocean.


Or in the ocean.

Glub glub blub.

Damn, he’s worked it out. Quick, roll out CrazyAIScript v2.0!!


I moved 4 posts to an existing topic: Things you wish you could say (at work)

I’ll have to check with Gnat to see when he’s available. :slight_smile:

What, for the blood flow?

Catfish? Here kitty…

Also, it seems that imgur has finally made an impact on me. I have now had my first nightmare about kittens and cats. I had 8 of them, and I think I was somewhat trying to herd them.