Drugs and drug abuse

Not a good idea to start doing drugs because “it will make you feel good”…

They never mention the side-effects or what happens when the buzz wears off…

Nah, drugs are not for me. Pass.

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Unfortunately being a professional means you have to be like one - no consumption of drugs or weed of any kind…


I’ve said this to people before, but… “Do you know how many successful students I have had who smoked a lot of weed?”

Answer: 0


Many studies have said it doesn’t have any long lasting effects, and the studies are full of shit. I have watched bright young people get dulled by excessive use.

More info is coming out now that 30+ may be the safe zone for indulging. But before 25 you can do some real damage.


I almost mentioned Seth, but then i remembered.

Yeah, he was a prime example. He had the paranoia, defensiveness, and no drive. I really wish he’d had a chance to grow out of it.

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Same, smart dude, Just was stoned out and didnt give him self a chance at life.

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In the 1980’s the SAPS (our police services, when they were still good) said that MJ is a gateway drug.

I’m inclined to believe that, as some people will try stronger things when they don’t get a good buzz from MJ anymore.

Never been offered drugs, never want to use drugs, having seen what these can do to people…

But back to the topic of pets and animal care, I think there’s a good case for a subthread titled “drugs and drug abuse”…


I love it when people are talking about how no one commits crimes or is violent on pot. Bullshit. Just flat crap. I have seen a dude totally lose his shit on 13.

Also the whole no one ever od’d on pot. Well, that’s changing because this is not granddad’s cannabis. And not that I have done the odd edible or smoked a joint, but the shit now is a totally different animal. In fact they are breeding some of the THC back out of some strains to make them more mellow.

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Interestingly, having an accident while high on pot is just a lot higher.

In the UK they’re pretty strict about it (last time I’ve checked). Every single person who got pulled over (and there’s reasonable suspicion) gets swabbed to check for the presence of drugs.

Not sure how this works in the USA or here in South Africa…

They really haven’t figured it out yet. Part of the reason why while I am for legalizing pot I am sort of for pumping the brakes on it. Especially since banks won’t deal with dispensaries because it’s still illegal federally and then you end up with massive amounts of cash floating around an enterprise that is already on the gray side of legal. And many places are taxing ti so much that there is still a massive black market.

Frankly, I would just grow my own, it’s not even a hard plant to grow.

I think pot use and abuse and the secondary and tertiary effects thereof would have to get exponentially worse to equal the damage to society done by alcohol.

I dunno. If it were simple, we would have figured it out a while ago. The war on drugs has been mostly a disaster, with effects disproportionately hitting poorer parts of society. Which isn’t to say that even partial legalization won’t have second-order effects and consequences, but on the whole I think we would be better for it.


Agreed, but I think it’s a question of the number of people using it. I am in favor of legalization as well regardless.

I voted for legalization because that allows it to be regulated. I really do think it’s about the same as alcohol. Not bad when consumed in moderation, a problem when addicted or overindulged.

I don’t use weed (hate the stuff), but I don’t think it should be illegal.

In Illinois the tax is over 30%, so there is just as much illegal weed as before.