No. Maine Coones have tabby markings, and are much larger than this guy. You can’t tell in the picture, but he’s odd eyed, with one yellow eye and one blue.
Aha, must have been the camera angle. He looks like a bit of a smooch tho.
I had a Maine Coone, or a very close relative. Damn thing was awesome, almost trained as a dog, 18 pounds of no fat, he’d fetch, come when I whistled (And it had to be “his” whistle), I miss that cat.
Looking at pictures of full breed Maine Coones, I’m thinking maybe grandpa might have been one. He wasn’t that big, but he did have most of the markings except the ears weren’t quite as exotic.
My current cats are kind of generic, replaceable with a quick trip to the shelter.
I had a Siamese that used to play hide and seek with me. I’d put him in a room with a door that drifted open, and I’d hide. When the door drifted open, he’d come out and look for me, then chase me down the hall when he found me. After a while, he knew my usual hiding spots, and he’d go check them one by one.
He’s the reason I make absolutely certain my cats are all inside during 4th of July now. He got out on the 4th one year and I found him strewn across the neighbour’s lawn the next day.
Um. Strewn?
Please tell me the cat didn’t eat a firework.
All fur-babies are accounted for on the week around July 4th and Halloween in our house. Always has been. People are dicks. Well, some people…
A dog crazed by the fireworks got a hold of him. That was a bad year for me. I was 15, my mom had died in February, and I had to put the dog I’d grown up with to sleep the week before. I try not to think about that year too much.
Here’s my girl. I am seriously thinking about changing her name. “Kenyatta” is just too bizarre for me.
Edited title of thread to reflect the contents.
I had a serious bout of cramps this morning. I was laying on the bed, moaning, when she jumped up on the bed and proceeded to give my face a serious washing. Then she rolled over on her back, as if to say, “I feel better when you rub my tummy. If you rub my tummy, you’ll feel better too.”
40 dogs from a rescue and a shelter. What an awesome way to help dogs find a forever home!
ETA: That little pug (?) is adorable!
Hey @MSUAlexis, when did vets start tattooing dogs to indicate they’d been spayed or neutered?
Yeah, I’m with you on this one. Missy is a way better name. Also, you can use it while practicing your Cartman impression… “Hey, Missy!”
I’m not sure, but I think the previous owners might have named her after the current President of Kenya.
Still a dumb name.
And now for a completely different kind of dashboard cam video.
He needs to take that kitty home with him.
I love that movie. Any time anyone says shenanigans I start cracking up and looking for a fellow trooper.
The sequel is going to be interesting. I really expected more out of the cast later on too, but it seems they’ve all just gone blah.